Tuesday, 7 May 2013

A visit from a SINner...

I've had the pleasure to be interviewed by many wonderful people in the blogosphere. Regarding myself, my books and my somewhat offbeat view of the world, my thoughts and waffling - other than this, of course - have been strewn across the Internet for all to see 

And it's been a delight. 

So... I thought I'd return the favour.  I thought I'd invite various people to join me here and answer some of questions of my own.

Then Sin got bored. Then Sin decided he wanted to play. 

So... (again)

In between my own little scribblings, there'll be some visitations from Sin and his own peculiarly particular questions. 

Drop by and meet some of his friends and, if you fancy joining in, let me know and I'll give him the nod to send you some questions. 

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