Thursday, 6 March 2014

A Special Event

The game is a foot.  Hold on...  A foot?  Left or right?  Does it have one of those toes next to the big toe that super long and pokes out past its plumper sibling?  Erm...
No, the game is afoot.  That's better.
I have to admit to being a massive Sherlock Holmes fan.  I always have enjoyed the character - though I've yet to actually read one of the books...  But, from Basil Rathbone through Jeremy Brett, via Robert Downey Jr. to the brilliant Benedict Cumberbatch (well done on your NTA award!) I've watched the shows and films.  I even have the Sherlock Network mobile game.
Anywho.  What was I going on about?  Feet.  No.  Games.  Ah, I know – Author Days.
Yes, I know that was a bit random, but the connection, however tenuous, was right there in my head.
Author Days.  Or, rather, Day.  Singular.
Book signings are pretty cool, I think.  I enjoy them, personally, and I think those that come to meet, greet and grab a signed copy of one of my books like them too.  It’s a chance, not just to hand over cash for what I hope is a good read, it’s a chance to get inside the head of the person who created this world you’re going to be venturing into.  Granted, there aren’t that many who actually ask questions or sit awhile and chat, but those that do add a great deal to the day.  I’ve been asked about the locations in Sin.  I’ve been quizzed on the connections between the book, the Prologue and Sin’s blog, his ‘Diary of a Madman’.
Being able to talk to potential fans about such things often prompts thoughts and realisations about my writing.  It helps me see insights about the characters and myself I, perhaps, didn’t actually see beforehand.
So.  Soon, I’ll be joining local authors Lynette Creswell and A.E. Murphy (Alex) to lay ourselves open for just such in-depth chats.  Well, not just that – there’s a whole lot more too.
On Saturday, 15th March, from 10am to 3pm, we’ll be holding an Author Day.
So what differentiates an Author Day from a simple book signing?  Well, don’t worry, you’ll still be able to purchase our books, but we’ll also be there to talk about writing.
None of us are saying we’re experts – far from it.  In fact, if we did, I’d hope you’d turn and walk away!  No.  What we are is experienced.  For aspiring writers and the like, we would like to take the time to share what we’ve learned.  If you’re wishing you could write that book, let us help with prompts and tips.  If you’ve written a book and want to publish, we’ll give advice on ways to self-publish and recommendations on queries and synopses.
We’ll also have with us handouts with copies of successful query letters and other information.  Added to this there’ll be sample chapters from our books as tasters and even as examples of writing methods.
And, all this advice will be completely free.  Each of the three of us had to start somewhere.  Each of us is still learning, too.  We genuinely do know what it’s like to feel afloat in a sea of possibilities.  If we can throw you a rope and help guide you to shore, it will be our pleasure.
Of course, you will be able, if you so choose, to buy our books.  Lynette and I have our books in both paperback and ebook, and Alex’s wonderful series is available in ebook form.
Buying a book, however, is not a prerequisite to asking for our help.  If you simply want to chat, be our guest.


  1. This is a terrific idea! Sin is Somethin' else! LOL I hope he'll interview me when I release my adventure story!!! Happy Creating, Sin—Shaun! No, I mean Sin. :-D

    1. Thank you very much Vonda. It went so well! We can't wait to do another one. And Sin would be delighted to interview you!
